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Docs Expert 3.0 – Templates for Google. June 18, 2017 Full Docs – Templates for Google are the ideal support for those who want to create beautiful content on cloud-based productivity tools. To work offline, in your Chrome browser, open Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides. Tip: If you want to use offline access for another Google Account, make sure you're signed in to the right Chrome profile. Learn how to switch Chrome profiles. You can also turn on offline access from Docs, Sheets, or Slides settings.

Tips and Tricks for Making Response Graphs Most Presentable¶

Re-open the data file from the previous step by going to Help, Tutorial Dataand selecting Chemical Conversion (Analyzed). Then under the Analysisbranch click the R1:Conversion node and go to Model Graphs to bring up thecontour plot. Dxo opticspro for photos 1 4 1. Let's quickly try some things here that you may find useful whenmaking a presentation.

Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma. Section 4, Managing Asthma Long Term in Children 0–4 Years of Age and 5–11. Carrier Dome is the site where the Syracuse Orange (3-2) will take on the Wake Forest Demon Deacons (5-0) on Saturday. Wake Forest opens this matchup as 7.5-point favorites. The over/under is 56.5. GData-Version: 3.0 Alternatively, if you can't set HTTP headers, you can specify v=3.0 as a query parameter in the URL. The HTTP header is preferred where possible. Note: The client libraries supply appropriate version headers automatically, so don't use the v=3.0 query parameter when you're using a client library. Working with contacts Contact.

In the vacant region of the AB contour plot right-click and select Addcontour. Then drag the contour around (it will become highlighted). You mayget two contours from one click like those with the same response value. (Thispattern indicates a shallow valley, which becomes apparent when we get to the 3Dview later.)

Click the new contour line to highlight it. Then drag it (place the mouse cursoron the contour and hold down the left button while moving the mouse) to as nearto 81 as you can. Now to obtain the precise contour level, right-click the contouryou just dragged, choose Set contour value and enter 81.

Setting a contour value



Print window 5 1. Another way to set contour values: Right-click over theplot and choose Edit contours. Now, for Mode, select the Incrementaloption and fill in Start at 66, Step at 3, and Levels at8.

Setting contour values incrementally via Graph Preferences

If you go this route, be sure to look over the Min and Max values first. Thatgives you a clue on where to start and how big to step on the contour values.

To zoom in on the area around the center point (the red dot labeled '6'),position the crosshairs and, while holding down the left mouse button, drag over(rope-off) your desired region of interest.

Zooming in on a region of interest by roping off a box Appgenome 1 4 1.

Notice how the graph coordinates change. Obviously you would now want to addmore contours using the tools you learned earlier in this tutorial. However, donot spend time on this now: Right-click over the graph and select Default ViewWindow.

Restoring default region (factorial ranges within CCD)

That's enough for the contours plot for now. On the Graphs Toolbar go to 3DSurface view. Modify the color range via a click on the color scale gradientin the graph legend, which brings up the Edit Legend dialog box. Change theLow to 80 and the High to 90. Notice how this makes the graph farmore colorful and thus informative on the relative heights.

Edit Legend dialog box to change the color gradient

Now click the design point sticking up in the middle. See how this is identifiedin the legend at the left by run number and conditions.

3D graph enhanced for color gradient with point click and identified

Now try a handy feature for pulling up the right plot for any given run. On theFactors Tool select number 1 off the Run # dropdown-list. The 3D viewnow shifts to the correct ‘slice' on factor C (catalyst). However the colors arenot ideal now. So right-click over the gradient and in the Edit Legend dialogbox press the Defaults button. Your graph should now match the one shown below.

By the way, if you put in any comments on a particular run, it will show in thisview with the point having been selected.

Much more can be done for your show-and-tell. Spend time beforehand to trydifferent things that Design-Expert can do. Take advantage of default buttons toput things back the way they were.

Wireshark keeps track of any anomalies and other items of interest it finds in a capture file and shows them in the Expert Information dialog.The goal is to give you a better idea of uncommon or notable network behaviour and to let novice and expert users find network problems faster than manually scanning through the packet list.

Expert information is only a hint

Expert information is the starting point for investigation, not the stopping point.Every network is different, and it's up to you to verify that Wireshark's expert information applies to your particular situation.The presence of expert information doesn't necessarily indicate a problem and absence of expert information doesn't necessarily mean everything is OK.

The amount of expert information largely depends on the protocol being used.While dissectors for some common protocols like TCP and IP will show detailed information, other dissectors will show little or none.

The following describes the components of a single expert information entry along with the expert user interface.

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Expert information entries are grouped by severity level (described below) and contain the following:

Table 7.1. Example expert information items

Packet #SummaryGroupProtocol


TCP: [TCP Out-Of-Order] …​




DNS: Standard query response …​




TCP: 80 → 59322 [RST] Seq=12761 Win=0 Len=0



Every expert information item has a severity level.The following levels are used, from lowest to highest.Wireshark marks them using different colors, which are shown in parentheses:

Chat (blue)
Information about usual workflow, e.g. a TCP packet with the SYN flag set.
Note (cyan)
Notable events, e.g. an application returned a common error code such as HTTP 404.
Warn (yellow)
Warnings, e.g. application returned an unusual error code like a connection problem.
Error (red)
Serious problems, such as malformed packets.

Short explanatory text for each expert information item.

Along with severity levels, expert information items are categorized by group.The following groups are currently implemented:

The protocol field has incomplete data and was dissected based on assumed value.
A checksum was invalid.
Packet comment.
Debugging information.You shouldn't see this group in release versions of Wireshark.
A decryption issue.
The protocol field has been deprecated.
Malformed packet or dissector has a bug.Dissection of this packet aborted.
Violation of a protocol's specification (e.g. invalid field values or illegal lengths).Dissection of this packet probably continued.
Problems while reassembling, e.g. not all fragments were available or an exception happened during reassembly.
Request Code
An application request (e.g. File Handle x). Usually assigned the Chat severity level.
Response Code
An application response code indicates a potential problem, e.g. HTTP 404 page not found.
A security problem, e.g. an insecure implementation.
A protocol sequence number was suspicious, e.g. it wasn't continuous or a retransmission was detected.
Dissection incomplete or data can't be decoded for other reasons.

It's possible that more groups will be added in the future.

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The protocol dissector that created the expert information item.

You can open the expert info dialog by selecting AnalyzeExpert Info or by clicking the expert level indicator in the main status bar.

Right-clicking on an item will allow you to apply or prepare a filter based on the item, copy its summary text, and other tasks.

Figure 7.4. The 'Expert Information' dialog box

You can choose from the following actions:

Limit to display filter
Only show expert information items present in packets that match the current display filter.
Group by summary
Group items by their summary instead of the groups described above.
Only show items that match the search string, such as 'dns'.Regular expressions are supported.
Lets you show or hide each severity level.For example, you can deselect Chat and Note severities if desired.
Takes you to this section of the User's Guide.
Closes the dialog

Figure 7.5. The 'Colorized' protocol details tree

The packet detail tree marks fields with expert information based on their severity level color, e.g. 'Warning' severities have a yellow background.This color is propagated to the top-level protocol item in the tree in order to make it easy to find the field that created the expert information.

For the example screenshot above, the IP 'Time to live' value is very low (only 1), so the corresponding protocol field is marked with a cyan background.To make it easier find that item in the packet tree, the IP protocol toplevel item is marked cyan as well.

Figure 7.6. The 'Expert' packet list column

An optional 'Expert Info Severity' packet list column is available thatdisplays the most significant severity of a packet or stays empty if everythingseems OK. This column is not displayed by default but can be easily added usingthe Preferences Columns page described in Section 11.5, 'Preferences'.

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