Automounter 1 5 7

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  • AutoMounter 1.5.7 MAS + In-App macOS 9 mb Tired of mounting your network shares? AutoMounter ensures that your shares are always mounted when you need them. Top In-App Purchases: Pro Se.
  • 2.4 Configuring the Automounter; 2.5 Mounting a File Containing a File System Image; 2.6 Creating a File System on a File; 2.7 Checking and Repairing a File System. 2.7.1 Changing the Frequency of File System Checking; 2.8 About Access Control Lists. 2.8.1 Configuring ACL Support; 2.8.2 Setting and Displaying ACLs; 2.9 About Disk Quotas.
  • May 01, 2021 AutoMounter 1.6.5 macOS File size: 8.5 MB AutoMounter - a powerful tool for the bar menu is designed to automatically mount network shares, ensuring their continued availability, ie, if in the process you accidentally.
  • VERSION 1.1 I removed the statelock and statunlock mechanisms as they appeared to be not needed, I have shufled with 3 drives all the time and the 'integrity' has not been lost, at it was a lot faster, because the lock always had to wait for the 'slowest' drive (in term of initializing the device, like USB hard drive).

Wesley's Notes for 1 Peter 5:7. 5:7 Casting all your care upon him - In every want or pressure. People's Bible Notes for 1 Peter 5:7. 1Pe 5:7 Casting all your care upon him. Simply submitting, doing the Lord's will, and casting all care on him.


    automount- Install automatic mount points


Automounter 1 5 7
    /usr/sbin/automount [-tduration] [-v]


    The automount utility installs autofs mount points and associates an automount map with each mount point. The autofs file system monitors attemptsto access directories within it and notifies the automountd(1M) daemon. The daemon uses the map to locate a file system, which it then mounts at the point of reference within the autofs file system. A map can be assigned to an autofs mount using an entry in the /etc/auto_master map or a direct map.

    If the file system is not accessed within an appropriate interval (10 minutes by default), the automountd daemon unmounts the file system.

    The file /etc/auto_master determines the locations of all autofs mount points. By default, this file contains four entries:

    The +auto_master entry is a reference to an external NIS or NIS+ master map. If one exists, then its entries are read as if they occurred in place of the +auto_master entry. The remaining entries in the master file specifya directory on which an autofs mount will be made followed by the automounter map to be associated with it. Optional mount options may be supplied as an optional third field in the each entry. These options are used for any entries in the map that do not specify mount options explicitly. Securityattributes may also follow the automounter map name. These consist of a semicolon separated list of security attributes to be associated with the map. See mount(1M) for a description of thesesecurity attributes. As with mount options, security attributes in /etc/auto_master are used for any entries in the map that do not specify security attributes explicitly. The security attribute list must be preceded by a -o flag to distinguish it from mount options. The automount command is usually run without arguments. It compares the entries /etc/auto_master with the current list of autofs mounts in /etc/mnttab and adds, removes or updates autofs mounts to bring the /etc/mnttab up to date with the /etc/auto_master. At boot time it installs all autofs mounts from the master map. Subsequently, it may be run to install autofs mounts for new entries in the master map or the direct map, or to performunmounts for entries that have been removed from these maps.

    Note -

    automount-S allowed=all can be written as the ordinary mount option -o allowed=all. This form will be discarded by base Solaris automounts, hence both base Solarisand Trusted Solaris can share name service databases containing such security attributes.


    The following options are supported:


    Specifies a duration, in seconds, that a file system is to remain mounted when not in use. The default is 10 minutes.


    Verbose mode. Notifies of autofs mounts, unmounts, or other non-essential information.


    Map Entry Format

      A simple map entry (mapping) takes the form:

      where key is the full pathname of the directory to mount when used in a direct map, or the simple name of a subdirectory in an indirect map. mount-options is a comma-separated list of mount options, and locationspecifies a file system from which the directory may be mounted. In the case of a simple NFS mount, the options that can be used are as specified in mount_nfs(1M), and location takes the form:

      host is the name of the host from which to mount the file system, and pathname is the absolute pathname of the directory to mount.

      Options to other file systems are documented on the other mount_* reference manual pages, for example, mount_cachefs(1M).

    Replicated File Systems

      Multiple location fields can be specified for replicated NFS file systems, in which case automount and the kernel will each try to use that information to increase availability. If the read-only flag is set in the map entry, automount mounts a list of locations that the kernel may use, sorted by several criteria. When a server does not respond, the kernel will switch to an alternate server. The sort ordering of automount is used to determine how the next server is chosen. If the read-only flagis not set, automount will mount the best single location, chosen by the same sort ordering, and new servers will only be chosen when an unmount has been possible, and a remount is done. Servers on the same local subnet are given the strongest preference, and servers on the local netare given the second strongest preference. Among servers equally far away, response times will determine the order if no weighting factors (see below) are used.

      If the list includes server locations using both the NFS Version 2 Protocol and the NFS Version 3 Protocol, automount will choose only a subset of the server locations on the list, so that all entries will be the same protocol. It will chooseservers with the NFS Version 3 Protocol so long as an NFS Version 2 Protocol server on a local subnet will not be ignored. See the NFS Administration Guide for additional details.

      If each location in the list shares the same pathname then a single location may be used with a comma-separated list of hostnames:

      Requests for a server may be weighted, with the weighting factor appended to the server name as an integer in parentheses. Servers without a weighting are assumed to have a value of zero (most likely to be selected). Progressively higher values decrease the chance of being selected. In the example,

      hosts alpha and bravo have the highest priority; host delta has the lowest.

      Server proximity takes priority in the selection process. In the example above, if the server delta is on the same network segment as the client, but the others are on different network segments, then delta will be selected; the weighting value is ignored. Theweighting has effect only when selecting between servers with the same network proximity.

      In cases where each server has a different export point, the weighting can still be applied. For example:

      A mapping can be continued across input lines by escaping the NEWLINE with a backslash (). Comments begin with a number sign (#) and end at the subsequent NEWLINE.

    Map Key Substitution

      The ampersand (&) character is expanded to the value of the key field for the entry in which it occurs. In this case:

      the & expands to jane.

    Wildcard Key

      The asterisk (*) character, when supplied as the key field, is recognized as the catch-all entry. Such an entry will match any key not previously matched. For instance, if the following entry appeared in the indirect map for /config:

      this would allow automatic mounts in /config of any remote file system whose location could be specified as:

    Variable Substitution

      Client-specific variables can be used within an automount map. For instance, if $HOST appeared within a map, automount would expand it to its current value for the client's host name. Supported variables are:

      ARCHThe application architecture is derived from the output of uname -m The architecture name. For example, 'sun4' on a sun4umachine.
      CPUThe output of uname -p The processor type.
      For example, 'sparc'
      HOSTThe output of uname -n The host name.
      For example, 'biggles'
      OSNAMEThe output of uname -s The OS name.
      For example, 'SunOS'
      OSRELThe output of uname -r The OS release name.
      For example '5.7'
      OSVERSThe output of uname -v The OS version.
      For example, 'beta1.0'
      NATISAThe output of isainfo -n The native instruction set
      architecture for the system.
      For example, 'sparcv9'

      If a reference needs to be protected from affixed characters, you can surround the variable name with curly braces ({}).

    Multiple Mounts

      A multiple mount entry takes the form:

      The initial /[mountpoint] is optional for the first mount and mandatory for all subsequent mounts. The optional mountpoint is taken as a pathname relative to the directory named by key. If mountpoint is omitted in the first occurrence, a mountpoint of / (root) is implied.

      Given an entry in the indirect map for /src

      All offsets must exist on the server under beta. automount will automatically mount /src/beta, /src/beta/1.0, and /src/beta/1.0/man, as needed, from either svr1 or svr2, whichever host is nearest and responds first.

    Other File System Types

      The automounter assumes NFS mounts as a default file system type. Other file system types can be described using the fstype mount option. Other mount options specific to this file system type can be combined with the fstype option. The locationfield must contain information specific to the file system type. If the location field begins with a slash, a colon character must be prepended, for instance, to mount a CD file system:

      or to perform an autofs mount:

      Note: Use this procedure only if you are not using Volume Manager.

      Mounts using CacheFS are most useful when applied to an entire map as map defaults. The following entry in the master map describes cached home directory mounts. It assumes the default location of the cache directory, /cache.

      See the NOTES section for information on option inheritance.

    Indirect Maps

      An indirect map allows you to specify mappings for the subdirectories you wish to mount under the directory indicated on the command line. In an indirect map, each key consists of a simple name that refers to one or more file systems that are to be mounted asneeded.

    Direct Maps

      Memory cleaner 1 3 1 – ram cleaner kit. Entries in a direct map are associated directly with autofs mount points. Each key is the full pathname of an autofs mount point. The direct map as a whole is not associated with any single directory.

    Included Maps

      The contents of another map can be included within a map with an entry of the form

      Videosolo blu ray player 1 1 8t. If mapname begins with a slash, it is assumed to be the pathname of a local file. Otherwise, the location of the map is determined by the policy of the name service switch according to the entry for the automounter in /etc/nsswitch.conf, such as

      If the name service is files, then the name is assumed to be that of a local file in /etc. If the key being searched for is not found in the included map, the search continues with the next entry.

    Special Maps

      There are three special maps available: -hosts, -xfn, and -null. The -hosts map is used with the /net directory and assumes that the map key is the hostname of an NFS server. The automountd daemon dynamically constructs a map entry from the server's list of exported file systems. For instance, a reference to /net/hermes/usr would initiate an automatic mount of all exported file systems from hermes that are mountable by the client. Referencesto a directory under /net/hermes will refer to the corresponding directory relative to hermes root.

      The -xfn map is used to mount the initial context of the Federated Naming Service (FNS) namespace under the /xfn directory. For more information on FNS, see fns(5), fns_initial_context(5), fns_policies(5), and the Federated Naming Service Guide.

      The -null map, when indicated on the command line, cancels a previous map for the directory indicated. This is most useful in the /etc/auto_master for cancelling entries that would otherwise be inherited from the +auto_master include entry. Tobe effective, the -null entries must be inserted before the included map entry.

    Executable Maps

      Local maps that have the execute bit set in their file permissions will be executed by the automounter and provided with a key to be looked up as an argument. The map generation program is executed with no inherited privileges.

      The executable map is expected to return the content of an automounter map entry on its stdout or no output if the entry cannot be determined. A direct map cannot be made executable.

    Configuration and the auto_master Map

      When initiated without arguments, automount consults the master map for a list of autofs mount points and their maps. It mounts any autofs mounts that are not already mounted, and unmounts autofs mounts that have been removedfrom the master map or direct map.

      Resume templates 2 0 6 percent. The master map is assumed to be called auto_master and its location is determined by the name service switch policy. Normally the master map is located initially as a local file /etc/auto_master.


      The Solaris 7 release supports browsability of indirect maps. This allows all of the potential mount points to be visible, whether or not they are mounted. The -nobrowse option can be added to any indirect autofs map to disable browsing. For example:

      In this case, any hostnames would only be visible in /net after they are mounted, but all potential mount points would be visible under /home. The -browse option enables browsability of autofsfile systems. This is the default for all indirect maps.


    The following exit values are returned:


    Successful completion.


    An error occurred.



    master automount map.


    map to support automounted home directories.


    the name service switch configuration file.


    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

    Availability SUNWcsu
Automounter 1 5 7
    /usr/sbin/automount [-tduration] [-v]


    The automount utility installs autofs mount points and associates an automount map with each mount point. The autofs file system monitors attemptsto access directories within it and notifies the automountd(1M) daemon. The daemon uses the map to locate a file system, which it then mounts at the point of reference within the autofs file system. A map can be assigned to an autofs mount using an entry in the /etc/auto_master map or a direct map.

    If the file system is not accessed within an appropriate interval (10 minutes by default), the automountd daemon unmounts the file system.

    The file /etc/auto_master determines the locations of all autofs mount points. By default, this file contains four entries:

    The +auto_master entry is a reference to an external NIS or NIS+ master map. If one exists, then its entries are read as if they occurred in place of the +auto_master entry. The remaining entries in the master file specifya directory on which an autofs mount will be made followed by the automounter map to be associated with it. Optional mount options may be supplied as an optional third field in the each entry. These options are used for any entries in the map that do not specify mount options explicitly. Securityattributes may also follow the automounter map name. These consist of a semicolon separated list of security attributes to be associated with the map. See mount(1M) for a description of thesesecurity attributes. As with mount options, security attributes in /etc/auto_master are used for any entries in the map that do not specify security attributes explicitly. The security attribute list must be preceded by a -o flag to distinguish it from mount options. The automount command is usually run without arguments. It compares the entries /etc/auto_master with the current list of autofs mounts in /etc/mnttab and adds, removes or updates autofs mounts to bring the /etc/mnttab up to date with the /etc/auto_master. At boot time it installs all autofs mounts from the master map. Subsequently, it may be run to install autofs mounts for new entries in the master map or the direct map, or to performunmounts for entries that have been removed from these maps.

    Note -

    automount-S allowed=all can be written as the ordinary mount option -o allowed=all. This form will be discarded by base Solaris automounts, hence both base Solarisand Trusted Solaris can share name service databases containing such security attributes.


    The following options are supported:


    Specifies a duration, in seconds, that a file system is to remain mounted when not in use. The default is 10 minutes.


    Verbose mode. Notifies of autofs mounts, unmounts, or other non-essential information.


    Map Entry Format

      A simple map entry (mapping) takes the form:

      where key is the full pathname of the directory to mount when used in a direct map, or the simple name of a subdirectory in an indirect map. mount-options is a comma-separated list of mount options, and locationspecifies a file system from which the directory may be mounted. In the case of a simple NFS mount, the options that can be used are as specified in mount_nfs(1M), and location takes the form:

      host is the name of the host from which to mount the file system, and pathname is the absolute pathname of the directory to mount.

      Options to other file systems are documented on the other mount_* reference manual pages, for example, mount_cachefs(1M).

    Replicated File Systems

      Multiple location fields can be specified for replicated NFS file systems, in which case automount and the kernel will each try to use that information to increase availability. If the read-only flag is set in the map entry, automount mounts a list of locations that the kernel may use, sorted by several criteria. When a server does not respond, the kernel will switch to an alternate server. The sort ordering of automount is used to determine how the next server is chosen. If the read-only flagis not set, automount will mount the best single location, chosen by the same sort ordering, and new servers will only be chosen when an unmount has been possible, and a remount is done. Servers on the same local subnet are given the strongest preference, and servers on the local netare given the second strongest preference. Among servers equally far away, response times will determine the order if no weighting factors (see below) are used.

      If the list includes server locations using both the NFS Version 2 Protocol and the NFS Version 3 Protocol, automount will choose only a subset of the server locations on the list, so that all entries will be the same protocol. It will chooseservers with the NFS Version 3 Protocol so long as an NFS Version 2 Protocol server on a local subnet will not be ignored. See the NFS Administration Guide for additional details.

      If each location in the list shares the same pathname then a single location may be used with a comma-separated list of hostnames:

      Requests for a server may be weighted, with the weighting factor appended to the server name as an integer in parentheses. Servers without a weighting are assumed to have a value of zero (most likely to be selected). Progressively higher values decrease the chance of being selected. In the example,

      hosts alpha and bravo have the highest priority; host delta has the lowest.

      Server proximity takes priority in the selection process. In the example above, if the server delta is on the same network segment as the client, but the others are on different network segments, then delta will be selected; the weighting value is ignored. Theweighting has effect only when selecting between servers with the same network proximity.

      In cases where each server has a different export point, the weighting can still be applied. For example:

      A mapping can be continued across input lines by escaping the NEWLINE with a backslash (). Comments begin with a number sign (#) and end at the subsequent NEWLINE.

    Map Key Substitution

      The ampersand (&) character is expanded to the value of the key field for the entry in which it occurs. In this case:

      the & expands to jane.

    Wildcard Key

      The asterisk (*) character, when supplied as the key field, is recognized as the catch-all entry. Such an entry will match any key not previously matched. For instance, if the following entry appeared in the indirect map for /config:

      this would allow automatic mounts in /config of any remote file system whose location could be specified as:

    Variable Substitution

      Client-specific variables can be used within an automount map. For instance, if $HOST appeared within a map, automount would expand it to its current value for the client's host name. Supported variables are:

      ARCHThe application architecture is derived from the output of uname -m The architecture name. For example, 'sun4' on a sun4umachine.
      CPUThe output of uname -p The processor type.
      For example, 'sparc'
      HOSTThe output of uname -n The host name.
      For example, 'biggles'
      OSNAMEThe output of uname -s The OS name.
      For example, 'SunOS'
      OSRELThe output of uname -r The OS release name.
      For example '5.7'
      OSVERSThe output of uname -v The OS version.
      For example, 'beta1.0'
      NATISAThe output of isainfo -n The native instruction set
      architecture for the system.
      For example, 'sparcv9'

      If a reference needs to be protected from affixed characters, you can surround the variable name with curly braces ({}).

    Multiple Mounts

      A multiple mount entry takes the form:

      The initial /[mountpoint] is optional for the first mount and mandatory for all subsequent mounts. The optional mountpoint is taken as a pathname relative to the directory named by key. If mountpoint is omitted in the first occurrence, a mountpoint of / (root) is implied.

      Given an entry in the indirect map for /src

      All offsets must exist on the server under beta. automount will automatically mount /src/beta, /src/beta/1.0, and /src/beta/1.0/man, as needed, from either svr1 or svr2, whichever host is nearest and responds first.

    Other File System Types

      The automounter assumes NFS mounts as a default file system type. Other file system types can be described using the fstype mount option. Other mount options specific to this file system type can be combined with the fstype option. The locationfield must contain information specific to the file system type. If the location field begins with a slash, a colon character must be prepended, for instance, to mount a CD file system:

      or to perform an autofs mount:

      Note: Use this procedure only if you are not using Volume Manager.

      Mounts using CacheFS are most useful when applied to an entire map as map defaults. The following entry in the master map describes cached home directory mounts. It assumes the default location of the cache directory, /cache.

      See the NOTES section for information on option inheritance.

    Indirect Maps

      An indirect map allows you to specify mappings for the subdirectories you wish to mount under the directory indicated on the command line. In an indirect map, each key consists of a simple name that refers to one or more file systems that are to be mounted asneeded.

    Direct Maps

      Memory cleaner 1 3 1 – ram cleaner kit. Entries in a direct map are associated directly with autofs mount points. Each key is the full pathname of an autofs mount point. The direct map as a whole is not associated with any single directory.

    Included Maps

      The contents of another map can be included within a map with an entry of the form

      Videosolo blu ray player 1 1 8t. If mapname begins with a slash, it is assumed to be the pathname of a local file. Otherwise, the location of the map is determined by the policy of the name service switch according to the entry for the automounter in /etc/nsswitch.conf, such as

      If the name service is files, then the name is assumed to be that of a local file in /etc. If the key being searched for is not found in the included map, the search continues with the next entry.

    Special Maps

      There are three special maps available: -hosts, -xfn, and -null. The -hosts map is used with the /net directory and assumes that the map key is the hostname of an NFS server. The automountd daemon dynamically constructs a map entry from the server's list of exported file systems. For instance, a reference to /net/hermes/usr would initiate an automatic mount of all exported file systems from hermes that are mountable by the client. Referencesto a directory under /net/hermes will refer to the corresponding directory relative to hermes root.

      The -xfn map is used to mount the initial context of the Federated Naming Service (FNS) namespace under the /xfn directory. For more information on FNS, see fns(5), fns_initial_context(5), fns_policies(5), and the Federated Naming Service Guide.

      The -null map, when indicated on the command line, cancels a previous map for the directory indicated. This is most useful in the /etc/auto_master for cancelling entries that would otherwise be inherited from the +auto_master include entry. Tobe effective, the -null entries must be inserted before the included map entry.

    Executable Maps

      Local maps that have the execute bit set in their file permissions will be executed by the automounter and provided with a key to be looked up as an argument. The map generation program is executed with no inherited privileges.

      The executable map is expected to return the content of an automounter map entry on its stdout or no output if the entry cannot be determined. A direct map cannot be made executable.

    Configuration and the auto_master Map

      When initiated without arguments, automount consults the master map for a list of autofs mount points and their maps. It mounts any autofs mounts that are not already mounted, and unmounts autofs mounts that have been removedfrom the master map or direct map.

      Resume templates 2 0 6 percent. The master map is assumed to be called auto_master and its location is determined by the name service switch policy. Normally the master map is located initially as a local file /etc/auto_master.


      The Solaris 7 release supports browsability of indirect maps. This allows all of the potential mount points to be visible, whether or not they are mounted. The -nobrowse option can be added to any indirect autofs map to disable browsing. For example:

      In this case, any hostnames would only be visible in /net after they are mounted, but all potential mount points would be visible under /home. The -browse option enables browsability of autofsfile systems. This is the default for all indirect maps.


    The following exit values are returned:


    Successful completion.


    An error occurred.



    master automount map.


    map to support automounted home directories.


    the name service switch configuration file.


    See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

    Availability SUNWcsu


    Security attributes can be specified in auto_master and in autofs map entries with the -o option. If security attributes are not specified in either auto_master or an autofs map entry, but an entry for the mount point is in /etc/security/tsol/vfstab_adjunct, then security attributes in the vfstab_adjunct file are used.

    automount must be started with a process sensitivity label of ADMIN_LOW, and a clearance of ADMIN_HIGH. It must have the PAF_TRUSTED_PATH process attribute,and must inherit the following privileges: file_mac_read, file_mac_write, file_dac_read, file_dac_write, and sys_mount. For executable maps, the map generation program is executed with no inherited privileges.


    Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Reference Manual

      uname(1),automountd(1M), mount(1M), mount_nfs(1M), vfstab_adjunct(4)

    SunOS 5.8 Reference Manual

      isainfo(1), ls(1), mount_cachefs(1M), attributes(5), fns(5), fns_initial_context(5), fns_policies(5)


    autofs mount points must not be hierarchically related. automount does not allow an autofs mount point to be created within another autofs mount.

    Since each direct map entry results in a new autofs mount such maps should be kept short.

    Entries in both direct and indirect maps can be modified at any time. The new information is used when automountd next uses the map entry to do a mount.

    New entries added to a master map or direct map will not be useful until the automount command is run to install them as new autofs mount points. New entries added to an indirect map may be used immediately.

    As of the Solaris 7 release, a listing (see ls(1)) of the autofs directory associated with an indirect map shows all potential mountable entries.The attributes associated with the potential mountable entries are temporary. The real file system attributes will only be shown once the file system has been mounted.

    Default mount options can be assigned to an entire map when specified as an optional third field in the master map. These options apply only to map entries that have no mount options. Note that map entities with options override the default options, as at this time, the options do not concatenate.The concatenation feature is planned for a future release.

    When operating on a map that invokes an NFS mount, the default number of retries for the automounter is 0, that is, a single mount attempt, with no retries. Note that this is significantly different from the default (10000) for the mount_nfs(1M) utility.

    The Network Information Service (NIS) was formerly known as Sun Yellow Pages (YP). The functionality of the two remains the same.

SunOS 5.8 Last Revised 17 Oct 2000

1/5 Marines


broken image